Retirement Calculators - InTouch Credit Union
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Retirement Calculators

A Group of Calculators to Help You Plan

A comfortable retirement is a goal worth aiming for. These calculators can help you make a plan and start saving.

Questions about 401(k)s

If you’ve ever wondered about the differences between a Roth 401(k) and Traditional 401(k), this is a great place to start.

Traditional or Roth?

More Calculators for Retirement Planning

Retirement Income Estimator

Have you given thought to what your monthly income will look like in your retirement? You can get a better picture with the help of this calculator.

Retirement Income Estimator

Social Security Taxes

Did you know that up to 85% of your Social Security Benefits may be subject to income tax? If this is the case you may want to consider repositioning some of your other income to minimize how much of your Social Security Benefit may be taxed and thereby, maximize your retirement income sources.

How Much of My Social Security Benefit may be Taxed?

More Retirement Resources